An overview of the results of our surveys is now available here (and in the reports section of the PACCo website). These surveys targeted both visitors and local residents and were carried out in both the Lower Otter and Saâne Valleys in 2021/2022. They provide interesting insights into uses of the site and perceptions of the sites and project, and about climate change adaptation impacts and solutions.
The full reports will shortly be available via the PACCo website (reports section of the downloads page). The surveys were delivered through a mixture of face-to-face and online surveys in 2021/2022. They targeted both local residents and visitors and were carried out by ABPmer (Lower Otter) and the Conservatoire du littoral (Saâne Valley).
The surveys covered the following main themes:
1. Typical use of the sites – how respondents use the sites, frequency of visits and spend;
2. Perceptions about the sites – as they are at present;
3. Plans for the future – changing knowledge and perceptions with regard to the project schemes and climate change impacts;
4. Local decision-making and communication – stakeholder communication and consultation and communication tools used for the project; and
5. Demographic characteristics – gender, age, employment status etc of respondents.
Although broadly the French (Saâne valley) and English (Lower Otter valley) surveys were developed to be comparable, the Saâne valley survey incorporated more questions, especially related to climate change. The Lower Otter survey, because it was repeated, enables some comparison between views and perceptions in 2021 and 2022. There were also some differences in terms of themes. The French survey contained more emphasis on the effects, risks and hazards of climate change than the English survey, but less emphasis on disruption as a result of construction works, influenced by the differences in phasing and extent of the construction work in the two sites. Only one round of surveys was conducted in the Saâne valley.
Thank you to the project partners and to ABPmer and the Conservatoire du littoral for carrying out these surveys and for conducting the main analysis of the results.